Length Of String using strlen() in C Programming Language


  • strlen() is a default function in C programming which can be used to find the length of a string.
  • The input to this function should be the character array of the string whose length is to be found.

Syntax of strlen

size = strlen(String_variable);

size is int.
String_variable is char array

Example Program for Length Of String using strlen()

/*##Length Of String using strlen() In C Programing */
/*##String Programs, Datatype Programs, Basic Programs*/
// Coded By GJRS

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char charArray[100];
    int length;

    printf("Enter the string whose length is to be found : ");

    length = strlen(charArray);

    printf("Length of the string is : %d",length);
    return 0;


Enter the string whose length is to be found : Programming
Length of the string is : 11