Simple Example Program For If..Else : Example 2
- The if statement executes based test expression inside the braces.
- If statement expression is to true, If body statements are executed and Else body statements are skipped.
- If statement expression is to false If body statements are skipped and Else body statements are executed.
- Simply, Block will execute based on If the condition is true or not.
- IF conditional statement is a feature of this programming language which performs different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false. Apart from the case of branch prediction, this is always achieved by selectively altering the control flow based on some condition.
if (expression) {
else {
Syntax Example
for example, In c
if (i == 3) {
else {
Syntax Explanation
Consider above example syntax,if (i == 3)
- which means the variable i contains a number that is equal to 3, the statements following the doSomething() block will be executed.
- Otherwise variable contains a number that is not equal to 3, else block doSomethingElse() will be executed.
Example Program for If Else : Voting Check Example : 2
Example Program For If ... Else Example : 2
/* Example program to check whether the given age is eligible for vote or not */
// Header Files
//Main Function
int main()
// Declaring the variable age
int age;
// Reading the age
printf("Enter your age:");
// Checking the condition with If-Else statement
// Printing the output if the condition is true
printf("You are eligible for vote");
// Printing the output if the condition is fails
printf("You are not eligible for vote");
// Output screen waits until get a character
// Returning to the main function
return 0;
Sample Output:
Enter your age:25
You are eligible for vote
Enter your age:15
You are not eligible for vote
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